Following are the list of 4 popular Urgent Care Clinics In Phoenix Az, United States as per their rating and reviews on internet.
1701 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Services Offering: Sore Throat, Asthma, Allergic Reactions, Allergies, Insect Bites, Athletes Foot, General Illness Treatment, Migraines, Bronchitis, Stomach Pains, Congestion, Strains, Breaks, Sprain, Urinary Tract Infections, Burns, Wound Infections, Sinus Infection, Diaper Rash, Flu Symptoms, Back Pain, Skin Allergy, Cough, Rashes, Fever, Ear Infection & Nausea
Rating: 4.9/5 (62) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS401 E Bell Road #18, Phoenix, AZ 85022
Services Offering: Acute Pain and Injuries, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), Asthma and Trouble Breathing, Minor Dermatology and Skin Care, Bee Stings, Insect Bites, and Allergic Reactions, Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea, Colds, Flu, Fevers, and Viruses, Sinus Infections, Respiratory Infections, Dehydration, Sore Throat / Strep Throat Treatment & Sports Injuries
Rating: 4.8/5 (59) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS5018 North 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Services Offering: Abdominal Pain, Allergies, Animal Bites, Asthma, Broken Bones, Cold & Flu Symptoms, Conjunctivitis (pink Eye), Cough, Cuts in Need of Stitches, Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion, Diarrhea, Ear Infection, Fever, Headaches, Minor Burns, Minor Head Injuries, Minor Infections (ear, sinus), Nose Bleed, Physicals, Rash and Skin & Irritations
Rating: 4.6/5 (60) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS333 W Thomas Rd #100, Phoenix, AZ 85013, United States
Rating: 3.8/5 (89) Votes