Following are the list of 3 popular Orthopedics In Independence Mo, United States as per their rating and reviews on internet.
19201 East Valley View Parkway, Suite C, Independence, MO 64055
Services Offering: GREINER ORTHOPEDICS - Anterior Approach Hip Replacement, Arthroscopic Surgeries, Repairing Meniscus, Sprains and Strains, Rotator Cuff Tears, ACL or Meniscus Tears, Robotics-Assisted Knee Replacement, Arthritis Pain, Tennis Elbow & Knee Problems
Rating: 4.9/5 (89) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS19550 East 39t Street, Suite 230 A, Independence, MO 64057
Services Offering: CENTER POINT ORTHOPEDICS - 3D Knee Replacement, Foot Surgery, Hip and Knee Replacement, Fracture Repair, ACL Surgery (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Repair, Osteoporosis, Sports Injuries, Total Joint Reconstruction & Sports Medicine
Rating: 4.7/5 (82) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS19550 East 39th Street South, #410, Independence, MO 64057
Services Offering: ORTHOPEDIC HEALTH OF KANSAS CITY - Elbow and Hand Surgery, Spine, Pelvis, Knee, Ankle, Foot, Wrist, Elbow, Joint Pain, Swelling, Tendons and Ligaments, Carpal Tunnel, Upper Extremity, Arthritis, Fracture Crae, Shoulder Conditions & Sports Injury
Rating: 4.7/5 (78) Votes