Following are the list of 3 popular Chimney Sweep In Knoxville Tn, United States as per their rating and reviews on internet.
3533 Neal Drive, Knoxville, TN 37918
Services Offering: Chimney Cleaning and Inspection, New Fireplace Construction, Leaky Chimneys, Flashing, Roof Repairs, Masonry Repairs and Stucco/Concrete Work, Gas Services, Relining, HeatShield, Dampers, Smoke Chamber Parging, Historical Restorations & Rebuilds
Rating: 4.7/5 (62) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS5502 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37921
Services Offering: Chimney Inspection, Gas Violations, Installation, Building and Repair, Dry Vent and Air Duct Cleaning, Relining & Water Leaks
Rating: 4.7/5 (63) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS1430 Springpointe Way, Knoxville, TN 37931
Services Offering: Firebox Repair, Water Seal, Chase Cover Installation, Customized Chimney Relining, Tile Extensions & Gutter Maintenance
Rating: 4.6/5 (70) Votes