Following are the list of 3 popular Dog Trainers In East Riding, United Kingdom as per their rating and reviews on internet.
Sundown Station Lane, Broomfleet, Brough North Humberside, East Riding HU15 1RQ
Services Offering: Family Protection Dogs for Sale, Puppy Training, Obedience, Protection, Heel Work, Down, Sit, Walking on the Lead and Elite Training, Flip to Heel, Recalls, Social Training & Advanced Obedience
Rating: 4.6/5 (105) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSEast Field Farm, Cottam, Driffield, East Riding YO25 3BE
Services Offering: Residential, One-to-One, Boot Camp, Home Based Training, House Dog Training, Pulling on a Lead, Recall, Jumping Up, Barking, Anxiety, Biting and Nipping, Aggression, On and Off Lead Heel Work, Sit, Down, Wait, Behavioural & Obedience
Rating: 4.9/5 (70) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS6 North View, Weel, Beverley, East Riding HU17 0SG
Services Offering: Advice on Socialisation, Bite Inhibition, Effective House Training, Coping with Being Left Alone, Rally Obedience, Fun Agility, Aggression, Destructiveness, Anxiety and Phobias, Self Mutilation & Unwanted Barking
Rating: 4.8/5 (75) Votes