Following are the list of 2 popular Churches In Bristol, United Kingdom as per their rating and reviews on internet.
College Green, Bristol BS1 5TJ
Services Offering: Baptisms, Confirmation, Holy Communion, History, Heritage, Virtual Tour, Music, Data Protection, Shop, Collect (Prayer) for the Week, Cathedral Community, Archaeology, Sermons, Lectures, Organisation, Café, School Events, Diocese of Bristol, Concerts and Lunchtime Recitals, Home Faith, Worship, Education Volunteers, Daily Services & Garden
Rating: 4.8/5 (48) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS12 Colston Parade, Bristol BS1 6RA
Services Offering: Sunday Classes, Bellringing, Catechism, Monuments, Memorials, Music, Bible Teaching, Holy Communion, Workshops, Community, Meetings, Heritage Site, Wedding Mass, Worship, Baptism, Events, Concerts, Choral Evensong, Morning and Evening Prayer, Harvest Festival & Educational Programs
Rating: 4.6/5 (59) Votes