Following are the list of 4 popular Bakeries In Bolton, United Kingdom as per their rating and reviews on internet.
458 Manchester Road, Bolton BL3 2NU
Services Offering: Bread, Steak and Cheese Pastries, Tuna and Egg Mayonnaise, Sausage Rolls, Chicken and Stuffing, Pasty Barm, Vanilla Slice, Tray Cakes and Bakes, Whist Pies, Pasty and Peas, Sandwiches, Cheddar Cheese, Cherry Bakewell & Egg Custard
Rating: 4.9/5 (49) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS31 Churchgate, Bolton BL1 1HU
Services Offering: Bread, Buns, Cinnamon Rolls, Potato Pastries, Hot and Mini Pastie, Potato Cakes, Vanilla Slice, Black and Green Peas, Home Made Soups, Chocolate Eclair, Whist Pies, Meat and Whist Pie, Cream Cake & Vanilla Bun
Rating: 4.6/5 (51) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS185 Morris Green Lane, Bolton BL3 3JU
Services Offering: Bread, Pies, Pastries, Buns, Tarts, Croissants, Bacon, Sausage, White Loaf, Brown Bread, Choc-Chip Shortbread, Granola and Caramel Flapjack, Aussie Crunch, Eccles Cakes & Sandwiches
Rating: 4.6/5 (55) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS189 Mornington Rd, Bolton BL1 4EN, United Kingdom
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes