Following are the list of 13 popular Weight Loss Centers In Lethbridge Ab, Canada as per their rating and reviews on internet.
509-7 Street South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G8
Services Offering: One-On-One Coaching, Phases 4 Program, Table Weight After Dieting, Diet Plan, Healthy Lifestyle, Medically Developed Protocol, Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method, Smarter Lifestyle Choices, Personal Coach, Develop Better Living Habits, Main Courses, Complete Meal Replacements & Weekly Coaching
Rating: 4.8/5 (74) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS525 Highlands Boulevard West, #20, Lethbridge, AB T1J 5G3
Services Offering: Professional Weight Loss Coaches, Protein-Based Foods, Weight Loss Program, Ideal Protein Weight Loss and Medically Developed Protocol, Personal Coaching, Four Phases Protocol, Balanced Eating, and Smarter Lifestyle Choices, One-On-One Coaching and Teaching, Initial Assessment & Develop Better Eating Habits
Rating: 4.9/5 (93) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS3728 Mayor Magrath Drive South, #90, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7V1
Services Offering: Weight Loss Coaching and Support, 4 Week Program, Personal Consultants, Science-Based Method, Healthy Breakfast, Meals, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks, Nutritional Guidance, 12-Week Trial Membership, Delicious Premium Menus, Holistic Approach, Long-Term Weight Loss and Maintenance, Unique Weekly Meal & Activity Plans
Rating: 4.9/5 (90) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS509 7 St S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G8, Canada
Rating: 5.0/5 (32) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS525 Highlands Blvd W #20, Lethbridge, AB T1J 5G3, Canada
Rating: 5.0/5 (6) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSLocated in Draffin's Pharmasave, 319 5 St S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 2B4, Canada
Rating: 4.4/5 (5) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS259 13 St N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 2R6, Canada
Rating: 4.0/5 (2) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS3728 Mayor Magrath Dr S #90, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7V1, Canada
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS440 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 5E9, Canada
Rating: 5.0/5 (3) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS1218 2 Ave S #103, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0E3, Canada
Rating: 4.9/5 (186) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS513 4 Ave S, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0N6, Canada
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS2 Riverbrook Close W, Lethbridge, AB T1K 7P2, Canada
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes