Following are the list of 7 popular Criminal Defense Lawyers In Levis Qc, Canada as per their rating and reviews on internet.
1610, Boulevard Alphonse-Desjardins, Bureau 500, Levis, QC G6V 0H1
Services Offering: Concealment, Simple or Qualified Flight, Domestic Violence, Several Other Types of Folders, Bullying, Misdemeanor, Assault, Fraud, Possession of Firearm, Trafficking of Drugs, juvenile & Family Law
Rating: 4.6/5 (91) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS50, route du Président-Kennedy, Suite 250, Levis, QC G6V 6W8
Services Offering: Impaired, Break and Enter, Threat, Narcotics, Assault, Traffic Offenses & Infringements of Statutory Laws
Rating: 4.8/5 (99) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS50 Rte du Président-Kennedy Suite 250, Levis, Quebec G6V 6W8, Canada
Rating: 4.6/5 (18) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS1610 Bd Alphonse-Desjardins bureau 500, Levis, Quebec G6V 0H1, Canada
Rating: 4.7/5 (37) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS555 Rue du Prince-Édouard, Québec, QC G1K 2M9, Canada
Rating: 5.0/5 (14) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS2828 Bd Laurier Suite 700, Québec, QC G1V 0B9, Canada
Rating: 3.0/5 (2) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS40 Rte du Président-Kennedy #202, Lévis, QC G6V 6C4, Canada
Rating: 3.8/5 (27) Votes