Following are the list of 2 popular Children Dentists In Thunder Bay On, Canada as per their rating and reviews on internet.
43 Court Street North, Thunder Bay, ON P7A 4T5
Services Offering: Brushing and Flossing Tips, Sedation Dentistry, Tooth Cleaning, Preventative Dental Care, Growth and Development, Space Maintainers, Fluoride Treatments, Crowns, Mouth Guards, Diagnostic Examinations, Emergencies, Sealants, Risk Assessments, Nitrous Oxide, Tooth Decay & Toothache
Rating: 4.6/5 (105) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS911 Fort William Road, Unit 3, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 3A6
Services Offering: Bonding, Digital X-Rays, Periodontics, Restorations, Composite Fillings, Emergenices, Simple Tooth Extractions, Exams and Cleanings, Fluoride Treatment, Teeth Whitening, Sealants, Porcelain Crowns (caps), Dentures and Partial Dentures, Root Canal Therapy, Cracked Tooth & Bruxism
Rating: 4.6/5 (95) Votes