Following are the list of 4 popular Podiatrists In Mildura Vic, Australia as per their rating and reviews on internet.
352 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, VIC 3500
Services Offering: Sports and Work Injuries, Diabetic and Arthritic Feet, Paediatric Foot Care, Ingrown Toenail Surgery, Bio-Mechanical Analysis, Orthotics and Insoles, Dry Needling, Callus, Corns, Foot/joint Mobilisation & Manipulation
Rating: 4.8/5 (78) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS2094 Fifteenth Street, Irymple, Mildura, VIC 3498
Services Offering: Arthritic Feet, Childrens Feet, Corns and Callus, Cracked Heels, Diabetic Feet Care, Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Ingrown Toenails, Plantar Warts, Sports Injuries, Thickened Toenails & Tinea
Rating: 4.9/5 (84) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSBetter Health, 183 Walnut Avenue, Mildura, VIC 3500
Services Offering: Nail Care and Removal, Corns, Callus, Warts, Arch Supports and Advice, Assessment and Treatment of Foot, Heel Pain, Ankle Pain, Knee Pain, Skin Conditions, Orthotic Prescribing, Diabetes Assessment & Advice
Rating: 4.7/5 (93) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS150 Thirteenth St, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes