Following are the list of 9 popular Orthopedics In Maitland Nsw, Australia as per their rating and reviews on internet.
104 George Street, East Maitland, Maitland, NSW 2323
Services Offering: ACL Reconstruction, Knee Arthroscopy, Bone Realignment, Rotator Cuff Repair, Shoulder Impingement Surgery, Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy, Sports Knee Injuries, Revision Joint Replacement Procedures, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Patellar Tracking Disorder, Joint Arthroscopy, Ligament Injury, Knee & Hip Replacement Surgery
Rating: 4.7/5 (97) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS173 Chisholm Road, Maitland Pvt Hospital, Suite 3, Medical Center 1, Ashtonfield, Maitland, NSW 2323
Services Offering: Bone Graft Alternatives, Spondylitis, Cervical Myelopathy, Scoliosis Correction Spinal Fusion, Kyphosis, Disc Prolapses, Spinal Canal Stenosis, Disc Herniation, Vertebrectomy, Total Disc Replacement, Spondylolisthesis, Canal Stenosis, Discectomy, Arthroscopic Repair & Joint Replacement
Rating: 4.6/5 (157) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSMedical Center 2, Suite 13, 173 Chisholm Road, East Maitland, Maitland, NSW 2323
Services Offering: Knee and Shoulder Problems, Knee Replacement, Knee Reconstruction, Knee Arthroscopy, ACL/MCL Repair, Total Shoulder Replacement, Repair of Dislocation, Rotator Cuff Repair & Fracture Treatments
Rating: 4.8/5 (129) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS104 George St, East Maitland NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 5.0/5 (3) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSMedical Centre, 2 Suite/13 173 Chisholm Rd, East Maitland NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS13/173 Chisholm Rd, East Maitland NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSMaitland Private Hospital, 13/173 Chisholm Rd, East Maitland NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 5/5 (1) Votes
CONTACT DETAILS13/173 Chisholm Rd, East Maitland NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 4.2/5 (5) Votes
CONTACT DETAILSMedical Centre 1, 3/173 Chisholm Rd, Ashtonfield NSW 2323, Australia
Rating: 4.4/5 (9) Votes