Address | 33 Off Street, Gladstone, QLD 4680 |
Phone | +61-749725155 |
Email ID | |
Speciality | Muscle Re-Education, Headaches, Shoulder Pain, Exercise Programs, Sciatica, Back and Neck Pain, Whiplash, Elbow, Shin Splints, Knee and Lower Limb Pain, Hot and Cold Packs Therapy, Wrist and Hand Pain, Shockwave Therapy, Electrotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Vertigo, Joint Manipulation and Mobilisation & Foot Complaints |
About | Active Physio Health is one of the familiar physiotherapy practises in Gladstone and surrounding regions. All their therapists are highly skilled & trained in the most cutting edge techniques. They have expertise in physiotherapy, orthotics, massage, acupuncture, lymphodema and shockwave therapy. Active Physio Health is a one-stop-shop for rehabilitation and injury prevention. The clinic is equipped with on-the-spot Hicaps payment & claims processing. They use Non-invasive Light source treatment that speeds up the recovery process. They offer workplace visits and online skype sessions for those of you that cannot make it into the office. All their treatment rooms have the latest equipment & are air-conditioned throughout. |
Website | |
Following are the list of some other popular Physiotherapy In Gladstone Qld Australia
25 Philip Street, Gladstone, QLD 4680
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96 Glenlyon St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
33 Off St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
34 Tank St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
164 Auckland St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
1 Goondoon St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
35 Toolooa St, Barney Point QLD 4680, Australia
35 Lord St, Gladstone Central QLD 4680, Australia
25 Philip St, South Gladstone QLD 4680, Australia
3/6 Ballantine St, Clinton QLD 4680, Australia
3/11 Tank St, Gladstone-City QLD 4680, Australia
32 Edlorowa St, Sun Valley QLD 4680, Australia